
New Day New York was a coalition formed after Democrat Bill de Blasio was elected Mayor of New York City. More than a dozen groups around NYC gathered together to plan to push de Blasio, which resulted in a week of action. Here is the Coalition’s Report from the campaign. The report reflects the thoughts and concerns about financial issues affecting New York, expressed by some of our most closely allied groups in NY.

Andrew Haldane, an executive at the Bank of England, gave an extensive speech on the history of banking and its current systemic challenges. He has notably said that Occupy was correct in its grievances. Martin Wolf, the famous chief financial correspondent at the Financial Times, reacted to Haldane’s speech. as follows:

‘The conclusion to be drawn from [Haldane’s] work is that an out-of-control financial sector is eating out the modern market economy from inside, just as the larva of the spider wasp eats out the host in which it has been laid.’


POGO (Project on Government Oversight) report on “SEC’s Revolving Door
This is a huge problem that skews regulation in favor of Wall Street. POGO does great work.


Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual, Strike Debt’s amazing publication, which inspired our own Occupy Finance.


Riding the Gravy Train by the Refund Transit group.


Finally, here are the plutonomy reports from Citigroup, a major bank. The plutonomy reports are a collection of three documents leaked from Citigroup, after which Citigroup aggressively tried to remove them from the internet. The report was directed at the wealthiest Citigroup investors, guiding them on how to best take advantage of the most unequal countries in the world. It shows that the suits in the tall buildings can be very conscious of what they’re doing to the 99%.  Read this blog post for some background. Here are the reports combined into a single PDF.

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