Every Sunday 3-5 pm Regular meeting.
Location: Cyberspace (zoom) during pandemic. Email alt.banking.ows@gmail.com to get notices and links.
Columbia University International Affairs Building, Room 411, at the corner of 118th and Amsterdam. Official address is 420 W. 118th Street.
When you enter the building from the street, you are on the fourth floor. So, if you come in from 118th street, go past the elevators and up the small flight of stairs and into the corridor on the left. If you enter from Amsterdam, come around the glass atrium and into the corridor.
We do mean “every” Sunday, including Labor Day weekend, between Christmas and New Years, etc. There are rare occasions (such as the Global Climate March or Left Forum) when we meet elsewhere (and not necessarily 3-5) so check this web site to make sure or, better yet, get on our mailing list.
You can get our our e-mail list by e-mailing us at Alt.Banking.OWS@gmail.com. We typically only send out one e-mail a week announcing the meeting. You will not be spammed