Welcome to Alt-B on-line discussions

For a while I’ve been feeling that we need a facility for open discussions between meetings (and also archived in a way that we have a record of them). Inspired by Merlyna’s great presentation the progress on this web site is making progress I’m hoping that this blog can serve this purpose.

This is not meant to be a blog but a place to have discussions among group members. We should start a blog on this site, too, but on a different page.

I specifically want to start two discussions. Really they are continuing discussions that we had on Sunday in the “Actions” discussions (and had previously).

One thread on planning an action for December. If you are interested please join this thread: December Action Planning

The second thread is on what Alt-Banking’s strategy is for actions in the medium term. What the focus of them should be, what impact we want to have, how to be most effective at having that impact. Please join this discussion on How can Alt-Banking have the most impact?

PLEASE JOIN THE DISCUSSION THREADS ON THESE TOPICS (and start discussions on other ones).


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