Calendar Of Actions, Meetings and Upcoming Events


Monday March 10, 2014
OWS# M10-Occupy Kenny’s Justice For Moraima Ortiz-Stop Wage Theft NOW!
126 Dyckman Washington Heights, NY  at 4:30pm
 Take 1 to 200th Dyckman Street
Tuesday March 11, 2014
Occupy  For Fair Elections in New York: Lobby
Albany NY, 11:00am….Buses leave from several locations RSVP here:
Labor Outreach Committee of OWS -Working Group Meeting
60 Wall Street New York City 6:30pm
Wednesday March 12, 2014
May First Coalition Meeting
961 Lexington St. Peters Church New York City, NY 6:30pm
Thursday March 13. 2014
99 Pickets Monthly Meeting
310 W.43rd Street  New York City, NY 6:00pm
Crown Heights Tenants Union-General Meeting
Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation: Atrium
520 Prospect Pl. [Prospect and Classon] 7pm
 Friday March 14, 2014  

Occupy Honors Women’s Month and the powerful works and service of Fannie Lou Hamer

60 Wall Street New York City, NY  6:30pm


Saturday March 15, 2014

#M 15-Occupy, Mobilize, Organize and March For $15

Herald’s Square 34th an 6th Avenue. New York City, NY 1:00pm

************************************************************************************************Sunday March 16,2014

Occupy Alternative Banking Working Group Meeting

Columbia University International Students Building 118th and Amsterdam New York City, NY 3:00pm
